Wrap Up: October 2017

Bogged. Down. So. Much.

There’s something about the last three months of the year that makes them the busiest months for most people. I’m definitely one of those people, what with work, birthday and holiday bakes, and other overall antics I get up to in the upcoming months. Busyness is not necessarily a bad thing, but mahgoh, can I just sit down for a day and binge-watch Stranger Things or something? (Answer: NOPE).

Books Read

Yeaaah. I’ve more or less taken a ton of pictures of books, but did I really read much this month? Nope. I might have gotten through two audiobooks and one graphic novel, that’s just about it. Maybe it’s a reading funk, or lack of time, maybe both.

Sin in the Second City by Karen Abbott || Wonder Woman: Who Is Wonder Woman? by Allan Heinberg || Catch Me If You Can by Frank W. Abagnale

Currently Reading

*snort* On top of a reading funk, I’ve clearly also got reading ADD, because I’ve picked up a couple books and audiobooks and switched to a different one altogether. I find that even audiobooks haven’t been as riveting lately, which is probably why I’ve been ping-ponging between Empress and Burning.

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch || Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza || The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas || Asylum by Madeleine Roux


Whoever thought it was a good idea for me to join up NaNoWriMo… *shudders*

And yet here we are.

Movies and TV

Most of these are pretty much rewatches. Other than a random episode of The Office and quite possibly It (not pictured), I haven’t seen anything new besides the most recent season of Stranger Things.

Today’s Special || No Reservations || Miss Congeniality || Much Ado About Nothing || iZombie Season 2 || Leverage || The Office Season 1 || Stranger Things Season 2

Video Games

Hahahahaha–what’s that?! *sobs inwardly*

I miss playing video games…


October was a baking month for me, largely because both my siblings are October babies and there were a lot of apples to bake away. There are still a lot of apples to bake, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I’ll probably write about a few of these at some point. Or not.

Meat pie || Dark chocolate and matcha cake shaped like an Oreo || Texas Roadhouse nummyness || Bibimbap in a hot stone bowl || Sliced mango (for mango puree) || Unicorn-themed mango mirror glaze cake || Apple bread || Apple Danish


Paint Night #2 came off rather well! That said, I thought drawing the dragon was much harder than having to create a scenery. Mostly because it’s so specific, and outlining was kind of a bitch to do. That said, I had fun!

My sister ended up getting a surprise party during the month, and with my bestie in tow, we ended up throwing her a unicorn-themed party. Balloons and cake and unicorn horns in all. Needless to say she was definitely surprised.

My friend and I met Tamora Pierce!!!!!!! Yes. Extra exclamation points considering how exciting this is because um, Pierce is ONLY my favorite author EVER. So. Yeah. I MET TAMORA PIERCE!!!!!!!

Nerdy News

I’m so behind on The Walking Dead at this point, but I’ll so read this new series by Robert Kirkman. Looks like another post-apocalyptic piece, though.

Honestly, I’m not sure how well it’ll translate to the stage when a lot of the beauty of Pushing Daisies was through quirky art direction and fantastic use of a film editing room. Buuuuut…I’d so watch the eff out of a possible musical. Caveat: Kristin Chenoweth STILL has to play Olive.

Life is like a hurricane… *hums* Oh, uh, I just like that Doctor-Donna are back together again! XD

Err…I don’t understand what their purpose is in rebooting a Nancy Drew series when it’s…not really about Nancy Drew but the author of the series?

I’m still a little upset that one of the most interesting subplots of Mass Effect: Andromeda is being turned into a tie-in novel. I mean, yeah, I like reading books, but dammit, I want to SEE the drells and quarians in action, not read about them! Friggin’…okay, let me not go there again with an ME:A rant.

With Game of Thrones ending next year, I cannot wait to drop myself into the Kingkiller Chronicles universe. That said, whyyyyy do these people insist on working on series that aren’t finished?!

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